Posts tagged Breakfast
Zucchini Bread

Weekday breakfasts are a complicated matter.

I am not the sort of person who can have cereal, oatmeal, or toast every single day of the year, as great as they are for folks like me who are married to their computers. Sure, I’ll go through week-long spells of eating one of the aforementioned foods. But then I get bored and move on to the next, and the next, until the cycle repeats itself.  Every once in a while (too often, actually), I’ll break down and buy a bagel. But alas, one can’t do that every single day, especially with the amount of cream cheese New York bagel shops typically slather on.

Lately, I’ve gotten back into baking. And hopefully this will solve my breakfast dilemma. My goal is to bake at least one new (healthy-ish) breakfast item a week that can last me 3 or 4 mornings. Then maybe cereal and oatmeal won’t seem so boring after all.

First up is zucchini bread, something we’ve adored in the US since the 1960s. I had been craving zucchini bread since Saturday, when my friend Amy told me she made a loaf to get her vegetable-phobic husband to eat something green. (He ended up loving it.) And I had been wanting to try out a bookmarked zucchini bread recipe from The American Century Cookbook. The author got the recipe in the 1970s from an Illinois woman she interviewed for Family Circle magazine. “This was my first encounter with zucchini bread but by no means my last,” the author wrote. “I have been offered zucchini bread recipes by cooks from all over the country but have yet to find a finer one.”

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Matcha (Green Tea) Pound Cake

As an over-consumer of food magazines and Pinterest images, I've come to miss the cookie and cake pictures this month.

Now that the holidays are over, it seems like many of us have taken a hiatus from baking. January is supposedly the time for salads and soups and juice cleanses, right? At least, that's what all the cooking magazines are telling me.

And healthy-eating-wise, I've been doing okay so far. I don't get bagels with cream cheese or pizza slices three or four times a week anymore. But the baking? No no no. It's so impossible to ween myself off it that I'm not even going to try.

Green tea pound cake is one of those foods that just has a lovely sound to it. It's fragrant, light, complex, yet indulgent at the same time. As for this particular cake, the texture is nice and buttery like a pound cake should be, but also airy and doesn't make you feel weighed down, even after a eating a few slices more than you should.

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Kimchi Omelet

Breakfast for dinner. Those words are like music to my ears. There are many days in a month when I just feel like having a plate of eggs sunny-side-up or French toast or a bagel with lox for dinner. (Similarly, a slice of pizza or leftover pad thai in the morning sounds delicious.)

Last night I was craving eggs with kimchi again. I hadn't made a meal with that particular combo in a while, but I felt like fortifying myself with an extra dose of kimchi, seeing how it's good for the immune system and all. Every other person I know seems to have gotten struck with the flu lately. And when you're riding the NY city subways and people are around you are coughing, it's good to be prepared.

Here's my arsenal of good foodstuffs to prevent illness. Yes, all the orange juice is for one person. Not pictured is the 12 containers of Greek yogurt that also came with the Fresh Direct order.

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