Favorite Dumpling Recipes

Whenever I have a free weekend or a couple of hours on a weeknight, I like to sit in front of the TV...and wrap dumplings at the same time. It's a fantastic way to relax. Plus, whatever I don't end up making for dinner I can freeze.

Here are some favorite recipes for dumplings I've made over the last few years. Try them out for a Chinese New Year feast (there are still 6 days left!) or any other day of the year:

  1. Shrimp and Chive Dumplings
  2. Turkey and Mushroom Dumplings
  3. Sichuan Wontons
  4. Chicken and Apple Dumplings
  5. Ramp and Swiss Chard Dumplings
  6. Pork and Cabbage Dumplings
  7. Pea and Shiitake Dumplings
  8. Pork and Shrimp Shu Mai

What are some of your favorite dumpling recipes?

RecipesDiana Kuan12 Comments