New General Tso's Chicken GrubKit!

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend!

In addition to relaxing and enjoying the sun, over the weekend my friends at GrubKit and I launched a new recipe kit. Following the success of our first collaboration, the Kung Pao Chicken GrubKit, we decided to put together a General Tso's Chicken kit based on the popular recipe from this site. 

(Read more about our collaboration with Grubkit here.)

The kit, featuring the classic Chinese-American takeout dish that was first introduced in New York in the 1970s, is aimed at cooks who want a more challenging recipe, but with the ease of having all the necessary ingredients by your side. (We use the best ingredients possible, so rest assured your dish ends up tasting even better than the one at your favorite takeout spot.) The kits also make fantastic gifts. So head on over to GrubKit to take a peak at the General Tso's GrubKit and other Chinese, Thai, Indian, and baking kits!